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These days is unquestionable that information is one of the most important assets of our society, consequently protecting it is a major problem that must be taken to account, for an example it is predicted that in a period of four years 5,3 trillion dollars of assets will be at risk of cyberattacks.
The main threats of cyberattacks are malware, ransomware, Trojans, MitM attack, etc.
Tokens are gadgets used to carry an encrypted message that ensures that just the receiver of the message will be able to access it, and they are aimed to everyone which has the interest of keeping their information away from cyberattacks.
The process of authentication consists of establishing a link between a physical person and a corresponding digital identity.
Multi-factor authentication is a series of phases of authentication that have the purpose of ensuring the highest security possible through the three authentication factors which are something you know (Passowd / pin), Something you have (token hardware) and something you are (Biometrics / fingerprint)
It is providing secure authentication through only two of the three factors of authentication which are pin, hardware, and biometrics.
This type of token works with a technology that is responsible of storing digital certificates and private keys, which are used to encrypt and decrypt messages.
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Trustsec tokens can be easily integerated with any operating system.
Software development outsourcing is hiring a company to do a specific task such as the creation of a certain type of software, instead of creating an in-house team for doing so.
TrustSec’s outsourcing technologies are desktop software development, system software development, mobile software development, embedded system development and Web/Clout software development.
TrustSec uses two main methodologies that are the agile and the waterfall.
The benefits of outsourcing software development are uncountable, but the main are getting the work done by experienced team, saving costs, guarantee of high quality services and the fact that is easier and save time for the employer.
Team of experts, professional project management, coping with the latest technology Trends, comitment to deadlines and competitive pricing.
- Fast growing economy
- Very skilled, multilingual workforce.
- Evolving IT market.
- US standards in IP protection and Data Security.
- Broad pool of IT graduates of AVG 80k YAELY
- Cultural and work ethics similarity.
- The cost of labor is low compared to US and Western Europe
- Quality technology infrastructure
- Attractive tax incentives (low inflation, low CIT, special economic zones)
The system that is responsible for managing communication protocols, storage, security services, and applications.
Smartcards can be used for different functions and fields, such as e-Government, e-Banking, e-Education and mobility services.
A person’s or an entity’s data encrypted and stored as a code to ensure the user identity in the digital platforms.
Digital identity is used to prove the user’s identity in accessing a platform, signing a document digitally, approving a payment, voting etc…