FIDO2 Security Key

TrustSEC FIDO2 Security Key

TrustSEC FIDO2 Security key is the latest state-of-the-art technology that TrustSEC offers. Fido2 keys are easy and fast authentication products that secure access to all major browsers and operating systems, this is the best technology TrustSEC has, to protect individuals’ web application access either for individuals, companies, or governmental entities.

TrustSEC FIDO2 Keys specification is designed to protect the user’s privacy. For this reason, no information is passed on that could give a hint about further web activities.

Internet without Passwords

Why FIDO2 Security Keys?

Why security specifications like FIDO2 is Essential?

FIDO2 technology provides a secure form of two-factor authentication, As it adds encryption with FIDO2 algorithm as well as an additional use of hardware to the usual username password login. Furthermore, TrustSEC FIDO2 Security key allows secure authentication with completely password-free usage, as it eliminates the standard user login with user name and password.

It protects users’ logon from typical attack patterns such as man-in-the-middle attacks and phishing from succeeding and taking over the user’s account.

Why TrustSEC Security Key?

Why TrustSEC FIDO2 Security Keys?

TrustSec provides two and multifactor authentication Fido2 Tokens.

  • Eliminates account takeovers and delivers strong phishing defence
  • Enables secure web and mobile app login across all major operating systems such as iOS, Android, Windows 10, and Linux, and across all major browsers
  • Provides strong passwordless, phishing resistant strong two-factor and multi-factor authentication
  • Durable and portable design
  • Easy and secure authentication

Fido2 Technical Specs

Fido2 Technical Specification



  • Tokens are gadgets used to carry an encrypted message that ensures that just the receiver of the message will be able to access it, and they are aimed to everyone which has the interest of keeping their information away from cyberattacks.


Multi-factor authentication is a series of phases of authentication that have the purpose of ensuring the highest security possible.


There are three main types of authentication, which are pin, piece of hardware, and biometrical, two-factor authentication consists in two of those three main types of authentications.


FIDO2 is a standard for online authentication, created by the FIDO Alliance, which works with W3C and FIDO Client to Authenticator.