
ELS – Encrypted Local storage

Mobile Applications Secure local storage

People depending on mobile apps to manage their payments and do their banking transactions, made it essential to protect applications operations such as session data, user details, credit card info… etc. It became more challenging to securely store data locally on a device.

ELS – Encrypted Local storage is a state-of-the-art security feature that provides app developers with the ability to store app secrets, such as session tokens, personally identifiable information, API keys and more, locally on the end-user device in a secure and encrypted manner, even if the device integrity is broken (e.g. rooted or jailbroken).

The feature does not rely on device functionality (such as keychains) to provide secure storage of sensitive data and is fully self-contained. The encryption keys used are never stored on the device, or added in the static code of the app, but are dynamically generated on the device protected by The Guardian’s Whitebox backed solution. This further ensures that the data is device-bound, and cannot be copied to a different device.


Encrypted Local storage Key Benefits

  • Easy to integrateOne of the most benefits of Trustsec Encrypted local storage solution is the reference code and well-defined APIs are provided.
  • No crypto knowledge required Encrypted Local storage supports app providers as it deals with crypto complexities that considered time-consuming and often cumbersome to the app providers.
  • RASP latest technologyTrustsec Encrypted Local storage is based on Trustsec solution for mobile application protection “The Guardian” to protect app secrets when used in an unencrypted state.
  • Cross-platformEncrypted Local storage is an extension on Android, iOS and Windows.

About The Guardian

Mobile Applications Protection

People depending on mobile apps to manage their payments and do their banking transactions made sensitive information security more essential especially protecting applications operations such as session data, user details, credit card info… etc. It became more challenging to securely store data locally on a device.

It is a technology that Protects mobile applications against Malware and safeguards sensitive information from cybercriminals. It secures the use of mobile apps, even in the hostile infected environment.