COVID-19: Is implementing a remote working policy secure?

Nowadays enterprises took many steps towards the digital transformation. Remote work is on the rise and many organizations are asking their employees to work from home. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to sweep the globe, governments and organizations are trying to save their employees’ lives by isolating them and not exposing them to the daily interactions.

Information security was the biggest challenge that faced organizations towards applying this decision. Saving the organization information and securing their sensitive data against cyberattacks was a necessity.  However, advancements in technology made the working from home decision easier. Organizations can allow their employees to work from anywhere with a guarantee that they can securely access networks and systems with the MFA multi-factor authentication solutions or the OTP (one-time-password).

Unsecured networks, phishing scams and securing users’ credentials aren’t as risky as before. MFA authentication made it difficult for attackers to steal the accounts. Although the evolution of cyberattacks and phishing attacks are taking place, information security companies are more prepared to support IT departments in these challenges.

Employees now can access systems remotely without introducing new risks and vulnerabilities by enabling multi-factor authentication. (MFA) should be one of the top requirements for a work from home policy.

Trustsec offers biometric fido u2f security key and biometric PKI token as multifactor authentication solutions.

Why should you choose Trustsec MFA solutions?

MFA solutions are the most secure authentication solutions as, they require each individual unique fingerprint to permit access to a network, device or system. Trustsec MFA tokens are easy-to-use, and multi-function solutions also Trustsec PKI tokens are unique as so many applets can be added to the token.

Read more about Trustsec solutions

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